
  • Blue-tongues have a preferred body temperature (PBT) of 28ºC and their enclosure should provide a temperature range of 2-3ºC either side of this PBT.

  • Use of ceramic or infra-red heat-lamps in, or over, one end of the enclosure. Provision of logs or rocks placed under and around the heat source allow your lizard to sit at varying distances from it and a hollow log or upturned flower pot provides a cool retreat.

  • A source of ultraviolet light, either through exposure to unfiltered, natural sunlight, or an artificial UVB light will help prevent metabolic bone disease. Remember to replace the light regularly (every 3-6 months) as it will lose UV strength, even though it still emits visible light.

  • The enclosure (ideally made of wood and perspex) should be large enough for your blue-tongue to move around freely and a clean, good quality substrate, replaced regularly, will encourage it to burrow.

  • Thermometers and thermostats are essential.

  • Humidity should be maintained between 35-75% to provide as natural as possible an environment for your blue-tongue — this can be achieved by placing a shallow dish of water in the enclosure.


  • Feed your blue-tongue every two days in warm weather, in colder weather every three days. Remember — if the enclosure temperature is not right your blue-tongue may refuse to eat.

  • Your blue-tongue should be offered a variety of foods such as insects eg crickets, superworms, snails and slugs, worms, clover, dandelion, mulberry leaves, milk thistle, watercress, chopped fruits and vegetables (such as banana, apple, pawpaw, pear, green beans, carrots, alfafa sprouts, parsley and tomato). Small amounts of moistened dog kibble and canned dog food may be given occasionally. Reptile supplements are also available.

  • Ensure foods such as insects and snails have not been in contact with any insecticides or oleander trees as these contain poisons.

  • Add a calcium supplement to the food once a week.

Health Care

  • Book a yearly health check to check faeces and detect general health problems.

    eg parasite infestations and bacterial infections.

  • Annual blood screening, X-rays, and/or bacterial cultures are recommended for certain pet lizards.